Binga And
Kariba Malaria Projects |
Binga and
Kariba are two districts in Together
with Save the Children Fund (UK), Malair (Pvt) Ltd worked in Binga (1994 to
2000) and Kariba (1997-2000) to have a community based malaria control
programme. The programme worked on the basis that communities can control
malaria at very little cost and therefore the project gave skills to the
communities to eliminate mosquitoes and therefore malaria from the places
they lived. The
programme worked with primary school children and village communities. In the
case of primary schools, children were asked to clean their environment as
part of their regular school cleaning activities. In this case, the school
children were sent out once a week from the school for a distance of about
one kilometre (about fifteen minutes walk) in all directions. One their
return to the school the children were expected to search out every mosquito
breeding site and destroy it. They were also requested to do similar
activities at their homes. A similar approach was used for communities where
community volunteers would destroy all the mosquito breeding sites within the
area. Both
school children and communities utilized a number of malaria control
strategies which included larviciding (spray pumps and insecticides supplied
by the programme), environmental control (clearing weeds, deepening edges of
pools etc) and use of fish. The programme also worked with the Malaria Self
Help Project to encourage people to use treated mosquito nets. As this was a community based intervention, results were
very variable depending on a number of factors, but where communities were
motivated, extremely good results were achieved. In one school in Siabuwa, it
was possible to sleep outside during the malaria season without a single
mosquito bite. In another instance, during a massive malaria outbreak in
1996, a local Environmental Health Technician affectively controlled malaria
in the Muchesu area of Binga with only the aid of the community and larval
control. From this page you can down load all documents relating to
this programme including KAP studies, manuals used for health workers and
teachers and all six monthly reports. Also included are two reports from
Gokwe District at Sassame Mission where a similar project was carried out. |
Documents To Download ·
Binga and Kariba Mid Year
Report 1997 ·
Binga and Kariba Final
Report 1997 ·
Health Workers Malaria
Manual |